5 Important Ways to Improve Your Life

Why you should quit coffee

Why you should quit coffee

Caffeine lowers IQ, causes brain damage to higher IQ areas of the brain complex (prefrontal lobe), increases heart attack and stroke risk, caffeine increases depression and makes your shitty life feel groovy. The bad news is that the only way to change that is to feel...

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Why you should quit alcohol

Why you should quit alcohol

Alcohol lowers your lifespan in any amount consumed, alcohol causes cancer, alcohol causes brain damage and it also helps decorate an empty, directionless and soulless existence. Adult up, level up and face your empty life FULL ON without any sedative or tranquilizing...

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Stop watching TV and Movies!

Stop watching TV and Movies!

Watching a screen is actually scientifically proven to cause brain damage in the high IQ centers of the brain. Pseudology ~ the Art of Lying That should be enough but the TV and movie screens are also proven to modify your behavior, regarding what repetitive content...

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Get away from unmotivated, addicted and dependent people

Get away from unmotivated, addicted and dependent people

Humans learn through what they see. 90% of all learned behavior is based on the visual mimicking and emulating of those around you. It's already been proven that if our friends are overweight, we will be overweight, simply to fit in and gain tribal acceptance in the...

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Embrace real health

Embrace real health

Get the book by Paul Chek "How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy." Read it. That's it. Now, if you have a hard time fighting the mind control programs inserted into your behavior pathways by big brother and media, where you'll actually feel afraid of becoming better contact...

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